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FSOA Start of Year Information (Secondary): 7/25/2024

FSOA Start of Year Information (Secondary): 7/25/2024

*Please note that this information is specific to the families of students in grades 6-12.  A separate communication has been sent to the families of students in grades 4-5.*


Dear FSOA Students and Families, 

We are excited to officially start the 2024-2025 school year!  For those of you returning to FSOA, we have plenty of new information to share. For those of you new to FSOA, welcome!!  We are excited to get to know your family and learn how we can best support your child.  

We want to highlight some key information for you as we begin the year. 

Our Building’s Location

We are located at 1865 W 121st Ave, Suite 100C in Westminster, CO.  Please use this map to find our front entrance.  Additional parking is available in both the north and south parking lots. Our building has been specifically designed for FSOA students, including student work areas, classrooms, a weight room, and a student commons area.

Device Exchange for *all* FSOA Students

All FSOA students will have the opportunity to receive a NEW Chromebook with enhanced capabilities to support online learning.  These will be provided to students on Monday, August 12th at either New Student Orientation or Back-to-School Night (see details below!).

  • All students must bring their current Adams 12 in order to swap it out for a new device.   
  • Students will not receive a new device if their current Chromebook is not returned.   
  • Students who are new to Adams 12 will also be able to check out a Chromebook at this event. 

Secondary New Student and 6th Grade Orientation

We will be hosting students’ orientations on Monday, August 12th.  These in-person orientations are required for students who are new to middle school or high school at FSOA. 

  • New Students, including *all* 6th Graders
    • All students who will be new to FSOA are required to attend an in-person orientation on Monday, August 12th. This includes all 6th graders, even if you were part of Five Star Online last year. 
    • Please select one of these sessions to attend in person: 
      • Session 1: 8:00 - 9:30 am  
      • Session 2: 10:00 - 11:30 am  
      • Session 3: 12:00 - 1:30 pm
      • Session 4: 2:00 - 3:30 pm  
    • Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend alongside their children.
    • Students will learn about our school model, receive a new Chromebook, receive class materials (such as art supplies), and receive a pre-printed student ID.  Families will also have the opportunity to sign up for our free meal box program. 
    • Please bring 
      • Your questions!
      • Your Adams 12 Chromebook!
  • Returning Students in Grades 7-12 
    • All returning students in grades 7-12 will attend a virtual student orientation on Monday, August 12th.  This virtual orientation is required for students who attended FSOA last year and are returning this year; attendance will be taken. 
    • Returning students should also plan to attend Back to School night (see details below) to receive new Chromebooks, their schedules, and supplies. 
    • Choose one of the following sessions to attend on August 12th:
      • Session 1: 8:00 am
      • Session 2: 10:00 am
      • Session 3: 12:00 pm
      • Session 4: 2:00 pm
    • Refer to your email for a Webinar Link for these meetings. 
    • Please prepare prior to Monday to ensure that your Chromebook is fully charged and you remember your password:
    • Please also plan to attend Back to School Night (see information below) to meet your teachers, collect materials, exchange your Chromebook, and get your new student ID!

Back to School Night! (Open to ALL Secondary Students)

Families are welcome to join us for the secondary Back to School Nights on Monday, August 12th from 5:00 - 7:30.  We strongly encourage all secondary students attend!  This open-house style event will include opportunities for students to 

  • Receive their class schedules
  • Meet their teachers
  • Collect needed materials 
  • Exchange their current Chromebook
  • Get their new, pre-printed student ID. Please note that IDs are required for all students.
  • Sign up for our meal box program

First Day of Virtual Classes

  • Virtual classes for secondary students will begin on Tuesday, August 13th. 
  • Please access our updated weekly and daily schedule here.  

School Pictures

  • Save the Date!  School picture day will be hosted on October 9th.