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FSOA: Elementary Parent Communication 11/10/2024

FSOA: Elementary Parent Communication 11/10/2024


**This communication is for students in grades 4-5.  Information for our secondary students will be in a separate email.*

Dear Phoenix Families, 

We hope that you have enjoyed this past weekend and the extended time to celebrate & recognize the service of our veterans. 

I would like to take a moment to reiterate the importance of students completing their asynchronous work every week.   Our model provides for additional flexibility in student schedules;  however, all students are still expected to engage in full-time learning.   This includes completing asynchronous work every week through Buzz or Schoology.   Students should be working every afternoon to complete this work.  

Students who don’t complete this work will be behind in all areas -- particularly Science and Social Studies -- as they move forward into next year.    Completion of this work is recorded in Infinite Campus; for more details, please see this document

Teachers are available during virtual learning lab on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon; please be sure students are taking advantage of this support if they have questions about their asynchronous work.  

Thank you for your continued partnership in support of your child’s education.   Please see below for other important announcements for this week.

In appreciation, 

Adria Moersen Lamb, Principal


Asynchronous Work - Snow Day Due Date Switch

  • The due date for last week’s asynchronous work has been adjusted.
  • Please see your class pages in Schoology for more information. .

No Peer Engagement this week

  • Elementary and middle school students who pre-registered will attend the Symphony field trip.  
  • Peer Engagement this week will be for high school students only.

FSOA Food Drive - Extended 

  • We are extending our Food Drive until Wednesday, November 13th due to the snow day. 
  • If you are able, please consider donating non-perishable items.
  • Please reach out to Ms Edge (at if you have any questions about donating. 

School Photo Retakes 

  • Studio 5 will be back at FSOA for a second Picture Day on Wednesday, November 20th between 8 and 1 PM (during Peer Engagement)
  • Students who missed our first picture day or who need a retake should attend. All students must have a FSOA student ID, which are required for activities like field trips. Please make plans to attend on November 20th to get an updated photo for your Student ID
  • You can click this link to order photos.

Parent Academy

  • Join us in person at FSOA or virtually on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM for our first Parent Academy of the year. For this meeting, we will be watching the film Screenager: Growing Up in the Digital Age. This film explores the impact of technology and the importance of digital citizenship for youth. 
  • Please RSVP by emailing Mx. Neufeld (at, and let her know if you will be attending virtually or in person.

Your Pie Pizza Fundraiser

  • Join us on Thursday, November 14th anytime between 5pm - 8pm at Your Pie Pizza (14342 Lincoln Street, Thornton, CO 80023) to help us raise money for Student Government! 
  • A portion of EVERYTHING ordered during this time will be donated to our club, and used to create awesome events for our students.  


Yearbook Pre-Sale

  • Interested in purchasing a yearbook? Please check out our website for more information. Ready to order? Click on this link.

Next Weeks-at-a-Glance


Elementary (Grades 4-5)

Note: irregularities appear in red








No School 


Veterans Day


Synchronous Class



Learning Lab 

Virtual 1:30 - 3:30pm


Assignments originally due on 11/12 will now be due on Monday, November 18. 


No Peer Engagement for Elementary Students


Symphony Field Trip**


Asynchronous Work Day


Virtual Learning Lab

1:45-3:45 pm


Synchronous Class



Learning Lab 

In-Person and Virtual 1:30-3:30pm


Synchronous Class



Synchronous Class



Assignments due at 11:59pm


Synchronous Class



Learning Lab 

Virtual 1:30 - 3:30pm


In-Person Peer Engagement 8-12pm


Young AmeriTown Field Trip (5th Grade)**


Asynchronous Work Day


Virtual Learning Lab

1:45-3:45 pm


Synchronous Class



Learning Lab 

In-Person and Virtual 1:30-3:30pm


Synchronous Class


*Note that students in a special education, ELD, or CAMP class have synchronous meetings in the afternoons on M.T.Th.F

**For students to be able to go on a field trip, they need to fill out the Intent to Participate form to reserve their spot. Students receive an email after the form closes confirming their spot on the field trip. No walk-on spots available.