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FSOA Picture Retake Day: Wednesday 8:00 AM-1:00 PM

FSOA Picture Retake Day: Wednesday 8:00 AM-1:00 PM


Phoenix Families,

Studio 5 will be at FSOA on Wednesday, November 20th from 8 AM to 1 PM for Picture Retake Day. Typically, there are two groups of students who need to come in for picture retakes:

  • Students who missed Picture Day

    • If you were absent for the original picture day, plan to come in for a picture. All students must have a FSOA student ID, which is required for activities like field trips. You can use your original order envelope or pick up another one from the school office. You can order pictures using this link.

  • Students who would like a picture retake

    • If you are not happy with your original picture, you can sit for another photo. Students should turn in their original picture package to the photographer, and a new package will be reordered with your new photo.

If you have any additional questions, you can contact the FSOA Main Office at 720-972-7430 or contact Studio 5 directly by emailing or going to their website