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Panorama Student Survey

Panorama Student Survey


Five Star Online Academy Families,

I am writing to share information with you about Panorama, a voluntary survey that students in Grades 3-12 complete once in the fall and once in the spring. This email has specific information about the version of this survey being conducted this fall.

Five Star Online Academy students will receive the survey during class based on their grade level:

Grades 4 & 5 Morning Meeting September 9
Grades 6 - 8 Middle School Advisory Class September 5
Grades 9 & 10 High School Advisory Class September 5
Grades 11 & 12 High School English Class September 10


Continue reading for information about what is on the survey, who can see your student’s answers, how we use this information, and what to do if you do not want your child to participate in this voluntary survey.

What does the survey ask?

This survey asks questions about:

  • How well students think they are able to persevere through setbacks to achieve their goals
  • How well students believe they can manage their emotions
  • How confident students are in their ability to succeed in school 
  • How students feel about their school’s social and learning environment 
  • How valued students feel in their school community 

If you want to see the exact questions in the survey, please click the following links:

Who can see my child’s responses?

A small number of staff members will be able to view students' answers. Over the course of the school year, these staff members may review this information to help them better serve students as they interact with them as part of their normal work (i.e. counselor check-ins with students in ninth grade). 

The staff members who will be able to see students’ answers are:

  • District administrators
  • School administrators
  • School counselors
  • Mental health providers
  • Social emotional learning specialists 
  • Your child’s teacher(s)

If you want to see your child’s responses on this survey, please contact our school counseling team:

Misti Gossett-Thrower, Last Names A - Gl

Jaimie Ove, Last Names Go - N

Karen Stemm, Last Names O - Z

How will you use this information?

We will use responses to this survey to explore trends and patterns across our school that will inform how we approach social and emotional wellbeing for all students.   

Specific student answers will help us better serve students as part of our support and check-in processes. For example, all sixth grade students have a check-in with their counselor to help make sure they are transitioning successfully from elementary to middle school. Their counselor might look at this information and use it to guide their conversations.

Opt out information: 

If you do not want your child to complete this survey, please complete THIS FORM by Tuesday, September 3rd, to opt your student out of the survey. 

Thank you for your participation in this survey. We are excited to learn more about the social-emotional needs of our students in order to provide them with the best possible educational experience. 

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions at: (720) 972-7430


Adria Moersen, Principal