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Senior Important Dates

Last Day to Order Caps & Gowns - TBD

Senior Class Meeting - TBD

Senior Finals - May 7th (Tuesday) and May 9th (Thursday)

Senior Last Day - May 10th (Friday- Grades due by end of day)

Senior Check-Out (chromebook return, cap and gown pickup) - May 17th

 Graduation Ceremony - May 23rd @ 4pm -  Macky Auditorium Concert Hall


Senior Final ICAP Lesson

Must finish all Naviance tasks and to-do's in order to pick up graduation cap and gown.

Yearbook Senior Portrait Requirements

Senior Portrait Deadline: Date to be determined

Senior portrait must meet the following guidelines:

  • Student must be sitting or standing. No photos of students laying on the ground. 

  • Full face view & looking at the camera 

  • Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with dress code guidelines. Refer to the Adams 12 District Policy 5060 Dress Code Policy. 

  • NO hand gestures or hand signs, any props must be approved prior

  • Indoor or outdoor photos are accepted. Simple backgrounds work the best. Backgrounds (trees, rocks, columns, etc.) should not block the view of the student. 

  • No creative filters or extensive photographic treatments

  • Photo MUST BE VERTICAL. No horizontal photos 

  • Submit photo file as a high resolution JPG or PNG file no less than 300 dpi 


*Yearbook reserves the right to edit or crop any picture to meet specifications- We reserve the right to reject any senior picture from a photographer or individual if it does not meet the requirements on this sheet. The senior will be informed of the problem and given a chance to retake the portrait or choose an alternative portrait for the book, provided that it will not jeopardize any yearbook deadline. 

If you do NOT submit a picture your school ID picture will be used in the yearbook instead. 

Please contact the Yearbook Adviser, if you have any questions. 

Kara Highfill

(720)972-7430 Ext:7455