Important Links
Senior Important Dates
Last Day to Order Caps & Gowns - TBD
Senior Class Meeting - TBD
Senior Finals - May 7th (Tuesday) and May 9th (Thursday)
Senior Last Day - May 10th (Friday- Grades due by end of day)
Senior Check-Out (chromebook return, cap and gown pickup) - May 17th
Graduation Ceremony - May 23rd @ 4pm - Macky Auditorium Concert Hall
Senior Final ICAP Lesson
Must finish all Naviance tasks and to-do's in order to pick up graduation cap and gown.
Yearbook Senior Portrait Requirements
Senior Portrait Deadline: Date to be determined
Senior portrait must meet the following guidelines:
Student must be sitting or standing. No photos of students laying on the ground.
Full face view & looking at the camera
Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with dress code guidelines. Refer to the Adams 12 District Policy 5060 Dress Code Policy.
NO hand gestures or hand signs, any props must be approved prior
Indoor or outdoor photos are accepted. Simple backgrounds work the best. Backgrounds (trees, rocks, columns, etc.) should not block the view of the student.
No creative filters or extensive photographic treatments
Photo MUST BE VERTICAL. No horizontal photos
Submit photo file as a high resolution JPG or PNG file no less than 300 dpi
*Yearbook reserves the right to edit or crop any picture to meet specifications- We reserve the right to reject any senior picture from a photographer or individual if it does not meet the requirements on this sheet. The senior will be informed of the problem and given a chance to retake the portrait or choose an alternative portrait for the book, provided that it will not jeopardize any yearbook deadline.
If you do NOT submit a picture your school ID picture will be used in the yearbook instead.
Please contact the Yearbook Adviser, if you have any questions.
Kara Highfill
(720)972-7430 Ext:7455